Wednesday 6 April 2016

South African President, Jacob Zuma survives impeachment attempt

President Zuma 

South African president, Jacob Zuma, has survived an attempt to impeach him after the African National Congress party gave him its backing. But this victory may be short term as a string of influential figures are still calling on him to step down. read on....

The motion to unseat the president was launched by opposition MPs after the constitutional court ruled that he had ignored an order to repay state funds spent on a lavish upgrade of his private home.
The ANC, which controls almost two-thirds of parliament, ensured the president won, with 233 MPs voting against the impeachment motion and 143 in favour.

But, beyond parliament, there are growing calls for Zuma to leave, arguing his reputation has been irretrievably tarnished by the ruling on his home renovations and a second controversy involving the Guptas, a family of wealthy industrialists with close ties to Zuma.

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