Friday, 8 April 2016

Comey: Hack tool used on San Bernardino phone won't work in new models


FBI Director James Comey said that the new tool used to successfully hack into the iPhone of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook will not work on newer model Apple Inc., devices, suggesting that the application of the undisclosed method to resolve hundreds of pending cases involving locked devices now held by federal and state authorities will likely be limited.
In a speech at Kenyon College, Comey said the method, provided by an undisclosed outside party, only unlocked an iPhone 5c, which was used by Farook as an employee of San Bernardino County.
"The world has moved on to 6's,'' Comey said of the newer model phones. "This doesn't work in 6s; this doesn't work in a 5s... We have a tool that works on a narrow slice of phones.''
Comey continued to decline to identify the entity that provided the tool, but believed the method would be "closely protected'' and would be used "lawfully and appropriately.''

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