Monday 14 March 2016

Any reasonable parent would be ashamed of Will Smith’s kids” – Writer


Post writer Kyle Smith in a recent article had some things to say about the older Smith kids, Jaden and Willow – “Any reasonable parent would be ashamed of Will Smith’s kids”
Below is what he wrote: read more after the cut....

These kids are to childhood what the script of “After Earth” was to writing. Spoiled? Too mild. These kids are nuclear narcissists. The elder Smiths may have boycotted the Oscars because they weren’t nominated, but they boycotted parenting because they couldn’t be bothered to raise kids with any grounding in reality.
Naming their children after themselves via gender-reversal — the boy, Jaden, is 17, while his sister, Willow, is 15 — turned out to be merely the first sign that the Smith household would be a greenhouse in which all egos would be jacked up on maximum-strength fertilizer (the Hollywood kind) and cultivated to grow crazily.
Just check out the Twitter bios of this pair: Jaden Smith promises, “If You Want To See The Future Of Music, Photography and Film Making.”

Whoa, kid — why not worry about walking the dog and taking your SATs before you do all that? Jaden’s primary activity these days seems to be trying to be the black Boy George, minus the talent.
Playing dress-up in a variety of feminine looks, Jaden (who is starring in a womenswear campaign for Louis Vuitton) presents a shot of himself in a matching skirt and jacket, with long dreadlocks and a Boy George hat, under the caption, “STUNNA.”

Willow’s tweets are, if anything, even more pretentious, vapid and humorless than her brother’s. “ANYTHING that I EVER do is geared towards the evolution and vibrational elevation of this planet through the inspiration of individuals,” reads a recent thought. Girl, the planet isn’t asking for your advice. And how does kiddie R&B like “Whip My Hair” (her 2010 single) lead to “vibrational elevation” of anything?

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