Thursday, 5 May 2016

Trump makes history and changes politics, GOP


 With no GOP opponents left, businessman Donald Trump has an open path to represent the party in the November. AU elections & campaigns expert James Thurber says Trump's outsider status has given his candidacy a 'unique and historic' status. (May 4) AP
Once a joke, then a phenomenon and now something else: presumptive Republican Party nominee for president of the United States.....

Donald Trump's rise is a history-making event that will change American politics and the Republican Party, according to analysts — and the story isn't over yet.
To his critics, Trump is the ultimate triumph of celebrity politics, the beneficiary of free TV time and a campaign style that values insults over facts — the inevitable product of a party and conservative movement that has disdained government for decades, and the harbinger of celebrity candidates to come.

To his backers, Trump is the tribune of voters who have been failed by politicians, by immigration policies that undermine the nation's identity, by trade deals that have sent American jobs to other countries and by political elites who do not understand or care about their problems.
"We've been losing all the time," Trump said in declaring victory Tuesday night. He added that "we're going to start winning again and we're going to win big league, believe me."

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