Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Is Natural Hair The New SEXY?

Gradually, young women with natural hair are beginning to catch my intimate attention—-even from far.
Though I am particularly fascinated by the intellect of women, until you start a conversation with a person it is always difficult to establish how much they can arouse you intelligently.
Over the years, women who are abreast with issues of World Politics, Cosmology, Religion, Law and the God Theory have succeeded in exerting a pull factor on me. But spotting these women from a distance without any sort of ‘conversational’ evaluation has always been impossible…
Unintentionally, it seems I have found a way by which I can fetch such women from the lot—-by just using the nature of their hair.
read peoples' comments after the cut....
Apart from the fact that my new ‘pick-up’ theory has worked magic for me on a considerable number of occasions, natural hair seems to define a new form of SEXY, and I hear I am not alone.
The many natural hair rocking women I have managed to blushingly tell I love their hair and that was the initial attraction factor which prompted me to approach them have always told me;  ‘yeah a lot of people say they love my hair’.

In a recent discussion with my friends—-note that my good friends are equally interested in Physics, Philosophy and Conspiracy Theories, it emerged that they also find natural hair women more sexy than those who rock other types of hair styles.
Though some of my friends do not buy into my assertion of spotting intellect through hair styles, they believe natural hair makes women unique, SEXY and more Afrocentric—-the new form of opened mindedness.
To me, natural hair is the new SEXY, the best pull factor that can drag me from my table at any meeting to the far corner to speak to a woman.

What about you? Does natural hair have any sort of pull or push factor on you?

+4 Vote -1Vote +1cece enima
Be it weave, full lace wig , dreadlocks or natural hair, I think is the confidence of the woman wearing any of these hair styles that matters the most. AS a woman I would be furious to know that, someone found me ****Y because of my Natural hair, I would rather ,it be my intellect and confidence!!!!. CHRIS get lost with this one LOL
Vote -1Vote +1nana yaa
i ve been keeping ma natural hair since last year and i ve no intention of reversing to perm. it is really cool
I love my natural hair I rock it good and its save me money from buying extension hair. I cant remember last time i had weave in my hair. My Man loves it natural, something he can put his hands in without getting stuck or afraid that the trend with come out lololol. I say Natural all the wayyyyyy…..
+1 Vote -1Vote +1Jeanie
I started my natural hair 5years ago and my hair is almost 16 inches when i press it down lol gosh it saves a lottttttttttttttttt of $$$$$$$$$$$$… I do my own washing lol styling twisting and some times natural curls.. i do weaves too, but mostly natural. My man likes whatever style i put on especially pressing set.
+1 Vote -1Vote +1nii
weave is disgusting lol
Vote -1Vote +1marioxkluzive
Lol…now every1 is singing the praises of NH…who rocks wigs then?

Vote -1Vote +1AyyElayy
LOL.. Personally, I don’t think women who rock natural hair are necessarily attractive. Ladies on this blog, DO NOT BE DECEIVED lmho. I think it doesn’t matter what hair they rock but how they rock it.. What u feel confident and comfortable in..
Though I agree that majority of the women I know who rock NH are smart. About 70% yeah I agree.



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